When Wayne Gretzky's dentist advised him to keep new teeth in handy

Publish date: 2024-06-11

Wayne Gretzky, known as "The Great One" in the world of ice hockey, is a legendary player who has faced many injuries throughout his career. Despite his incredible talent and success, he has not been immune to accidents and injuries, which have resulted in numerous dental issues.

One of these issues involved losing three teeth at the age of 10 due to an incident with his hockey stick.

In an interview, Gretzky shared that his parents had spent a lot of money on braces to fix his teeth after the accident. However, he ended up wearing them for only a week before he was back playing hockey and had another accident.

As his career continued, Gretzky faced further dental issues, including losing six of his front teeth. He joked in an interview that his dentist advised him to keep a bunch of new teeth handy to avoid further assistance.

Despite the challenges he faced, Wayne Gretzky remains one of the greatest ice hockey players of all time.

Janet Jones became Wayne Gretzky's fitness coach and fashion designer

When it comes to staying fit and looking stylish, Wayne Gretzky has his wife Janet Jones to thank. Since retiring from his legendary hockey career, Gretzky has continued to lead a luxurious life with Jones by his side. However, Jones is not one to sit idle, and has taken on the roles of both his fitness coach and fashion designer.

Jones' dedication to health and fitness has motivated Gretzky to stay in shape, even in his 50s. She encourages him to attend hot yoga classes and the couple often plays tennis and works out together.

Jones is known for her health-conscious lifestyle, and it seems that her habits have rubbed off on her husband. 'The Great One' himself admited that he needs motivation to maintain his health and fitness, and Jones is there to provide it.

But Jones doesn't stop at fitness; she also helps Gretzky look his best at all times. With her keen eye for fashion, she plays the role of his personal stylist. Gretzky trusts her completely and always looks impeccable, whether he's attending a formal event or just out for a casual stroll.

Jones is the driving force behind Gretzky's continued success, both in his personal life and in his public appearances.

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