What is the net worth of Mayweather Promotions

Publish date: 2024-06-05

Mayweather Promotions is one of the biggest boxing promotions in the world. It was founded in 2007 by undefeated boxer Floyd Mayweather. Based in Las Vegas, Mayweather Promotions promotes various forms of live entertainment including sporting events, theatrical events, and television productions.

According to the promotional firm's official website, Mayweather Promotions has netted more than $350 million and generated more than $1 billion in pay-per-view revenue.

Meanwhile, Floyd Mayweather currently has a net worth that stands at an estimated $450 million, as reported by Celebrity Net Worth.

Jake Paul trolls Floyd Mayweather by vowing to buy Mayweather Promotions

Jake Paul has been involved in a feud with Floyd Mayweather since the build-up to his brother Logan Paul's exhibition bout with the undefeated boxer. It now appears the YouTuber-turned-prizefighter intends to keep the rivalry going. He took aim at the retired boxer once again by including him in his list of New Year's resolutions.

Taking to Twitter, Jake Paul said that the first thing on his list of 2022 resolutions is to buy Mayweather's promotional company and save the 50-0 boxing legend from bankruptcy. Paul wrote:

"Some people are asking about my 2022 goals. Here they are - 1. Buy Mayweather Promotions and [save] them from bankruptcy. 2. Hire stylist for Floyd Mayweather. 3. Take selfie with Oprah. 4. Go 2 chiropractor 2 heal back from carrying the sport of boxing."

Floyd Mayweather was last seen in the boxing ring against Logan Paul in June 2021 in an exhibition match. The high-profile bout ended in a draw after eight rounds, as the exhibition bout had no judges on hand to score the match.

Meanwhile, the younger Paul sibling ended 2021 with a sensational knockout win over former UFC welterweight champion Tyron Woodley. Jake Paul's sixth round KO of 'T-Wood' also earned him the ESPN 'Knockout of the Year' award.

The social media sensation has been successful in all of his professional boxing fights so far. After launching an amateur fighting career back in 2018, he went pro in 2019 and holds an unbeaten record of 5-0.

In addition to his impressive wins and bold proclamations, 'The Problem Child' also called for future fights with UFC stars. Some of the names Paul has called out include Conor McGregor, Kamaru Usman, Jorge Masvidal, and Nate Diaz.

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