What is Joshua Wesely's age? Youth pastor called out for allegedly grooming his girlfriend as he cel
German YouTuber and youth pastor Joshua Wesely is receiving immense backlash online after an Instagram post where he celebrated his girlfriend’s 18th birthday went viral online. In an Instagram post, the pastor indicated that he had been in a relationship with his now-wife since she was 14 years old.
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Netizens now claim that he groomed the teenager and accused him of being a p*dophile.
In an Instagram post, Wesely stated that his wife was “finally 18.” He added that his now-wife Isabelle Wesely has been his “best friend for 4 years.”
Though the age of consent is 14 in Germany, many could not digest the fact that the teenager might have been allegedly groomed.
Twitter users also noted that the couple celebrated their three-year anniversary on February 18, 2020. The two were engaged on December 19, 2020, just a month after she turned 18. They went on to get married in August 2021.
What is youth pastor Joshua Wesely’s age?
The YouTuber has not revealed his age online. However, Reddit users like GradSchoolDespair claimed that the pastor is 24 years old. His family’s blog reportedly claimed that he was born in 1998. Christian youth pastors are often adults, which adds more weight to the p*dophile allegations.
Joshua Wesely has his own YouTube channel with over 14k subscribers. His last video was uploaded three months ago.
Joshua Wesely is the director and actor in his 2021 film on the pandemic- ‘2025- The World Enslaved by Virus.’ The movie explores a dystopian future where everyone continues to wear masks because of covid. He also highlighted the end of Christian meetings years later due to the ban by communist rule on Earth.
His Instagram bio also reads that he is the Vice President of the Lifelong app. The platform claims to help people find "the chance for a happy ending in your own love story."
As netizens continued to allege that Wesley had been grooming the teenager leading to her decision to marry, and many were furious. A few social media reactions read:
Some also shared their stories of youth pastors grooming and how many have faced underage charges. Following the backlash against Wesely, he and his wife have set their social media accounts to private.
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