Is it OK for chickens to be out in the rain?

Publish date: 2024-06-22

A rainy day can be a good day for a chicken to forage more widely than normal. On overcast days, the extra cloud cover can provide a little additional camouflage from flying predators. To chickens, rain and fog are opportunities! Chickens will come in out of the rain—usually—if it’s a thunderstorm.Click to see full answer. Regarding this, can chickens get sick from the rain?A chicken wet from a warm summer rain will probably enjoy the bath, but in cold & windy weather a wet chicken is at risk of hypothermia. If their body temperature gets too low they are at risk of immune system failure, which can lead to illnesses.Subsequently, question is, can rain kill chickens? When chickens are kept in a cage they must be protected from rain, hail, cold winds and direct sun. Very hot weather or cold, damp, wet weather can be dangerous to chickens and they can suffer and die. Even if they do not die they will not be as healthy and strong as they should be. Thereof, what to do with chickens when it rains? If they’re already running in and out of the coop, and they put themselves to bed at night, then they will probably seek shelter from the rain on their own. Sometimes chickens aren’t the brightest bulbs in the pack though, and they might stand around and get wet. This shouldn’t hurt them as long as it’s not cold out.What if my chicken feed gets wet?Yes, chickens can eat wet food. In fact, when they’re sick and off their feed, that’s how you get them to eat it is by mixing it with water to make a mash. However, you can NOT feed them food that is in any way moldy or starting to get moldy.
