How to get Dawn Chorus Exotic helmet in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph

Publish date: 2024-06-22

In Destiny 2, Guardians can get their hands on many Exotic Armor pieces unique to each class in the game. While these items can be equipped onto any character, most of these Exotic Armor pieces excel only when paired with specific subclasses.

That said, the Dawn Chorus is an exception that Guardians can get their hands on. Here's how one can acquire this armor in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph.

Where to find the Dawn Chorus Exotic helmet in Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph

The Dawn Chorus is an Exotic Armor piece exclusive to Warlocks and works well with the Solar subclass. When it comes to acquiring this armor in Destiny 2, Guardians must complete Legend and Master Lost Sectors solo, provided it is in rotation.

Soloing a Lost Sector isn't that difficult for most Guardians, provided they have the right build. However, for beginners, this task might be slightly daunting. Here are a few tips for those planning on grinding for this item:

That said, the reward aspect of the activity is governed by the RNG mechanic. So Guardians might have to run this activity a couple of times before getting their hands on the Dawn Chorus Exotic Armor.

What's so special about the Dawn Chorus?

In terms of appearance, the Dawn Chorus is an aesthetically pleasing helmet. However, regarding its functionality, this equipment has some very niche applications.

Guardians won't find a lot of Warlocks using the Dawn Chorus due to better alternatives in the game. However, there are a few who love using this item. For those interested in understanding how it works, the intrinsic perk on this item is known as Rites of Ember.

This perk kicks in when Guardians activate their Daybreak super. Upon doing so, the projectiles from this attack scorch any target in contact. Moreover, whenever a target is scorched, Warlocks receive some melee energy.

As mentioned before, there are a few niche builds that can make use of this helmet. Guardians wishing to use this item in Destiny 2 can see how it works. That said, there exist some better alternatives in the game.

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