Fans go feral as former (G)I-DLE member Soojin signs with BRD Communications and is reportedly prepa
South Korean singer and dancer Seo Soo-jin, who goes by her stage name Soojin, made headlines on October 16, 2023, with her rumored comeback. Soojin, a former girl group (G)I-DLE member, was previously said to be getting ready to make her formal solo debut.
As per numerous speculations, she reportedly intends to make her solo debut in October 2023. The rapper and former member of the popular girl group (G)I-DLE is returning to the entertainment industry after two years and eight months.
Furthermore, the former member of (G)I-DLE recently inked an exclusive contract with a new agency, BRD Communications, according to the Korean news outlet News1. This move signals her comeback to the K-pop industry as a solo artist. According to the sources, she's getting ready for her solo debut, which will represent a significant turning point in her career.
"MOTHER IS BACK": Fans are ecstatic over the news of Soojin's comeback as a solo artist
Soojin allegedly spent this month (October 2023) practicing for her solo debut. Her fans eagerly awaited her comeback to the entertainment industry and expressed their support for the singer's forthcoming endeavor.
Over the reports of the former (G)I-DLE member's triumphant stage comeback, fans have expressed their anticipation for the singer's solo projects and albums despite the lack of information about the subject.
Soojin's hiatus from the entertainment industry and her history with CUBE Entertainment
To put some context about Soojin's hiatus, she became embroiled in a scandal in 2021 over claims of bullying and violence at school by actress Seo Shin Ae, a former classmate. The former (G)I-DLE member vehemently claimed her innocence and consequently filed a defamation lawsuit against those who had accused her.
However, the court finally denied the case for lack of adequate proof. Contrarily, CUBE Entertainment cut off her affiliation with them in the middle of these accusations, ending their business relationship.
It was due to the police investigations that revealed that the accusers were not guilty of disseminating untrue information. Cube Entertainment declared on March 5, 2022, that they had formally terminated her contract.
The contract termination was followed by the rapper's legal counsel issuing a statement in September 2022, declaring the end of the case against her for alleged school bullying. As a result, she stopped making appearances. She took a long hiatus of almost three years from her usual idol activities but has kept in touch with her followers on social media.
In 2021, Soojin departed from the group, and the popular K-pop group (G)I-DLE reformed as a five-member unit. They went ahead to release smash hits such as Tomboy, Nude, and Queen Card.
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