Destiny calls out Neekolul for being a convicted felon after she shares her abuse story
During his latest stream, Twitch streamer Steve Bonnell, better known as Destiny, called out Nicole "Neekolul" Sanchez. This came about after learning that she had a convicted felon's status for abusing her ex-boyfriend a few years ago.
The 23-year-old Twitch streamer and 100 Thieves content creator recently took to Twitter to share a Twitlonger post. She had another side to the story and opened up about years of "emotional, physical and mental" abuse at the hands of the ex-boyfriend.
In light of the startling revelations, she received an outpouring of support from the online community. However, a certain section of the online community still called Neekolul out and believed her to be the perpetrator.
Destiny had some thoughts of his own and went on to share them on his stream.
Destiny reacts to Neekolul's abuse story, Twitter calls her an abuser
Destiny believed there were double standards at play in her post and attempted to draw attention to her status as a convicted felon. Here's what he had to say:
"She did something to him that was severe enough that he called the cops and she got booked and convicted of corporal abuse of domestic abuse. Like, what the f*ck! The crazy part to me is that she went to court on this. She go convicted, so there's a judge that saw all of this sh*t and now she goes to social media, where she's got a huge platform to get everyone on her side. Like, damn dude, that's some crazy sh*t. "The felony that Destiny is referring to is an incident that reportedly stems back to 2018. Neekolul was arrested for "violently assaulting her ex-partner" in a case of domestic abuse. This was picked up by an article recently, which prompted her to respond soon after.
The article reveals that she was sentenced to six months of extensive anger management as a result of this.
She also denied having been sent to prison and stated that she only had to take 12 anger management classes in the aftermath of the incident.
Her justification at that point in time was that she had hit him only as a pent-up reactionary response after being subjected to months of mistreatment in an abusive relationship.
The buzz around her conviction eventually died down but resurfaced online recently.
A section of the online community did not seem too convinced with her playing the victim card. They called her out over her domestic violence offense and stated that Neekolul wasn't as innocent as she claimed.
Here are a few responses to her post and the buzz around it on Twitter:
With Destiny's take opening a whole new Pandora's box, the internet seems very divided on Neekolul's recent abuse story.
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