All recipes and web event rewards
Glittering Elixirs is a Genshin Impact web event that lasts from May 11, 2023, to May 20, 2023. If you haven't done it yet, then this guide will simplify everything for you. The official tweet containing the hyperlink for this web event will be featured in the next section of this article. Until then, Travelers should get ready to log in to their HoYoverse account if they're not already logged in on their browser.
Players can earn 120 Primogems in total. Other minor rewards like Mora, Mystic Enhancement Ores, and Hero's Wits can also be obtained. Completing everything with a guide should be pretty straightforward, so let's check out how to get started.
Genshin Impact web event guide: Glittering Elixirs potions and rewards
Use the above hyperlink to get started with Genshin Impact's Glittering Elixirs web event. After entering the web page, you should click a few times to skip some filler dialogue between Paimon and the Traveler. Afterward, click on "Start Crafting" for a basic tutorial about how to make potions.
This part is quite easy since the guide tells you what to drag. Invigorating Summer Potion will be created by default. If you try to craft something else after that, you will discover that you have no ingredients.
How to get ingredients
Once you're back on the home page, you should see several little buttons above Cyno's head. The second button with an exclamation mark is where you can see the tasks shown in the above image. Complete those tasks every day to obtain some materials.
You can also click on Cyno and Nahida to read some dialogue and collect even more ingredients. Once you have some materials, it's time to make the potions for this web event.
List of all potion recipes in Glittering Elixirs
Here is a list of all potions in Genshin Impact's Glittering Elixirs web event and how to make them:
- Beautifying Oil: For Decoration: Oil + Crystal Chunk + Ajilenakh Nut
- Calming Oil: Water + Luminscent Spine + Zaytun Peach
- Cooling Potion: Oil + Luminscent Spine + Mint
- Cyno's Wind-Resistant Sunscreen: Oil + Sand Grease Pupa + Mint
- Dancing Butterflies Refreshment: Water + Butterfly Wings + Zaytun Peach
- Energy Booster: Endorsed by the General Mahamatra: Oil + Luminescent Spine + Nilotpala Lotus
- Fragrant Balm: Oil + Luminsecent Spine + Ajilenakh Nut
- Growth Potion: For Plants: Oil + White Iron Chunk + Starshroom
- Invigorating Cool Mint Drink: Water + Butterfly Wings + Mint
- Invigorating Summer Potion: Water + White Iron Chunk + Mint
- Mira-Cure Potion: Oil + Butterfly Wings + Starshroom
- Nahida's Cooling Waterproofer: Water + White Iron Chunk + Henna Berry
- Nahida's Vivifying Forest Essence: Water + Frog + Ajilenakh Nut
- Nutrients for Houseplants: Oil + Crystal Chunk + Starshroom
- Sweet Bug Bait Potion: Water + White Iron Chunk + Ajilenakh Nut
- Sweet Dreams Sleep Fragrance: Water + Crystal Chunk + Zaytun Peach
Since you know how to make potions and which ingredients to use, the rewards are the only thing left to discuss in this Genshin Impact guide.
List of all Glittering Elixirs rewards
Genshin Impact players who complete parts of the Glittering Elixirs web event will receive the following rewards, depending on what they did:
- Obtain two potions: 20 Primogems + 10,000 Mora
- Obtain four potions: 20 Primogems + 40,000 Mora
- Obtain eight potions: 20 Primogems + 40,000 Mora
- Obtain 12 potions: 20 Primogems + 4x Hero's Wit
- Obtain 16 potions: 20 Primogems + 4x Hero's Wit
- Get materials from Nahida twice: 10 Primogems + 2x Mystic Enhancement Ore
- Get materials from Cyno twice: 10 Primogems + 2x Mystic Enhancement Ore
That's everything players need to know about this Genshin Impact web event.
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