5 best reasons to play eFootball 2023 over FIFA 23

Publish date: 2024-06-05

eFootball 2023 and FIFA 23 are two of the foremost options for football fans worldwide. The two titles have been the go-to choices for those who want to enjoy the game on a virtual pitch. Both titles have many similarities regarding what they offer and how they work; however, there are key differences, some of which are regarding management decisions.

The two games vary due to their model. While FIFA 23 is played by more players worldwide, Konami’s title does enjoy some great advantages for players.

Top 5 areas where eFootball 2023 shines over FIFA 23

5) Free to play

FIFA 23 requires players to pay a premium to enjoy the game. While it has in-app purchases, a first-time payment must be made to access the different game modes. This is a big difference as eFootball 2023 offers all its content for free.

All someone needs to do is download the game and start playing. Konami has included microtransactions like EA Sports, but it seems more necessary as there’s no alternate revenue stream.

The free entry point makes the rebranded PES title quite popular among the players. When it comes to microtransactions, many are optional and can be easily skipped.

4) Team formation

FIFA 23 and eFootball 2023 allow players to use the formation and tactics of their choice. The former is ahead regarding custom tactics as it offers far more options, allowing greater control. Regardless of the manager, Konami is certainly ahead with their formation tweaks.

Unlike earlier, players can choose to play any formation irrespective of the manager being used. Moreover, players get to edit the position of footballers in every formation, offering a much greater scope. This also encourages more freedom as every formation's shape can be freely switched depending on a player's preference.

3) Generous rewards

This is an area that can be debatable, but it’s largely considered that Konami is quite generous when it comes to rewards. It’s one area where eFootball 2023 shines when compared directly with FIFA 23 Ultimate Team. A recent example was an 86-rated Neymar SS card handed out to everyone for free.

Following the FIFA World Cup and Argentina’s success, all players received a special Messi card for free. It’s not just the special cards players can get, as Konami regularly hands out eFootball points, coins, and other important items.

2) Tolerable grind

The benefits of this depend on how much time players have to play games daily; however, eFootball 2023 is much more forgiving, even if someone can’t afford to play every day. Yes, there are benefits of logging in on a daily basis, but players don’t miss out on much by not doing so.

Compared to FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, new events are released every Monday and Thursday. The number of matches players must play to maximize their rewards isn’t very high. This allows everyone to take their own sweet time to complete them and earn the available items.

Moreover, some of these events pit players against AI in eFootball 2023. This offers a relaxed approach and hence lets the beginners win some valuable rewards as well.

1) Card designs

FIFA 23’s lack of creativity shows up in the different card designs released in the promos. While the base designs are interesting, they have had little to no change. EA Sports has even released two different promo cards for some footballers with the same dynamic image. While such occurrences are low, they pale compared to Konami's method.

Unlike FIFA 23, eFootball 2023 adopts full card art on any version. Even base cards get a design change when someone maximizes them to the highest levels. Despite not having the licenses of many clubs and leagues, every promo card is released with full designs.

No two promos get the same art template; even the dynamic images are switched between them. Despite lacking official licenses, Konami has been much more creative in this regard.

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