3 best Minecraft Murder Mystery servers
Minecraft lets gamers play with others online or over a local area network using servers. Tons of these exist nowadays, offering different experiences with plenty of minigames — one of which is Murder Mystery. This is an extremely popular movie genre, and tons of incredible servers exist that let gamers enjoy it. However, not all of them are equally fun.
That is why this article will offer a look at three of the best Murder Mystery servers currently available for Minecraft.
Note: This article is subjective ad reflects the writer's opinions.
Minecraft Murder Mystery servers are extremely captivating
3) Purple Prison
IP address: purpleprison.net
Purple Prison is a Minecraft Murder Mystery server that has been around for a long time. Its community is friendly and welcoming to new players, so if you're interested in trying out a server that lets you play the minigame, I would recommend going using this one first.
This server offers custom quests, jobs that allow you to earn money, and an economy system. The third feature lets you spend your money on things like armor and food items. The latter will help keep your character stay alive when they lose all health.
Purple Prison is also an extremely fun Prison server where you can team up with other players and form gangs. In groups, you can participate in PvP events, where people are actively trying to kill each other. In these times, you may have to defend yourself and your teammates while also fighting back.
This is an extremely exciting server that offers the classic murder mystery and many other variations of it. Moreover, you will always have different people to play with on Purple Prison.
Average player count: 500 - 2,500
2) BlocksMC
IP address: blocksmc.com
BlocksMC is one of the best Minecraft Murder Mystery servers out there. It's got a great community, lots of fun games and events, as well as some cool features like a custom map perfect for the minigame
BlocksMC is additionally a cracked Minecraft server, so players using the cracked version of this game can use it. This is good, as a lot of players use a launcher associated with that version of the title. The experience offered by this entry is very similar to playing on a browser, as you can do with Eaglercraft servers.
BlocksMC has a lot of content other than Murder Mystery, so you'll never get bored when on it. This is a list of the many other minigames and game modes available on it:
- BedWars
- EggWars
- SkyWars
- BuildBattle
- PvP
- Prison
- Creative
- Hide and Seek
- UHC Run
- SkyGiants
- Survival Games
- Lucky Block Wars
- TNT Tag
- Splegg
- Gravity
- QuakeCraft
- The Bridge
Average player count: 2,500 - 5,000
1) Hypixel
IP address: hypixel.net
Hypixel is a Minecraft server that offers a variety of games, including Murder Mystery. It also lets one play Skywars, Bedwars, and Survival Games.
The server has a wide range of players, from beginners to pros. If you're new to Minecraft and want to play other minigames, along with Murder Mystery, then this entry is worth trying.
Hypixel is one of the most populated servers in Minecraft. This is great because, typically, it's more pleasurable playing with tons of other people. Hypixel won't offer the same experience as the other servers on this list, but those have their own reasons for being great.
This entry has been around since 2013, which makes it one of the oldest servers. If this is your first time playing Minecraft, or you just want to try something new and somehow haven't tried Hypixel, what are you waiting for!?
Average player count: 20,000 - 100,000
Tips and tricks for Minecraft Murder Mystery servers
Tip 1
Don't concentrate too much on the tiny details. Don't be scared of the little things that are typically out of your control. Sometimes players may be new to the minigame and look extremely suspicious to you; while that is normal, do pay attention if you randomly realize you haven't seen someone in a while because if they appear again, they may be the killer.
Tip 2
A gamer's aim as a Murderer is to eliminate everyone else in the minigame, and this is done with a sword you receive. All players will be informed when the killer is about to receive their weapon when a game begins. Remember that your sword is in the second slot; avoid holding it in your hand at the beginning, and when around other players, try to avoid giving yourself away.
On many servers, the Murderer can throw a knife in the direction they are aiming to grab far-off targets who are running, but you must wait a moment to rush them before the knife is thrown.
Tip 3
An Innocent's objective is to essentially survive until the round is over — at which point the Murderer will lose — or until the killer dies. Players should look for Gold (may differ depending on the server), as it gives you a weapon to fight against the enemy. A bow will be given to the Innocent once 10 Gold have been acquired.
Therefore, to make the most of this currency you collected, use your bow properly. Additionally, if you use this weapon to murder another Innocent, you lose points and pass away as well. Even if you already have a bow and arrow, it's a good idea to continue collecting Gold. This is because 10 more of that item will get you another arrow.
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